Ruth Angel Edwards explores the communication of ideology through pop culture, drawing from sub- and counter- cultural movements both past and present, as well as the conditions which gave rise to them. Individualism, the body, gender and sexuality, consumerism and spirituality are recurring themes in her work; hedonism, spectacle and dissent are deconstructed and reformed to create communicative works across a variety of media.
Studying at alternative postgraduate art course and protest, run by and for its students, School of the Damned, Edwards has exhibited in the UK and internationally at London’s Arcadia Missa, Auto Italia, and Almanac, Bonington Gallery in Nottingham, Liverpool’s FACT and Royal Standard, Human Resources in Los Angeles and Mathew Gallery, New York. She is interested in how ideology is communicated, consumed, internalized, rebelled against and regurgitated.
As of October 2019