3hd 2016: There is nothing left but the Future? 2016 ↳There is no time! Let it go↳Present Sense↳DIY Church: Abstract Symposium↳Body in Context with Rianna Jade Parker, UNiiQU3, Bonaventure↳Michael Waugh: Music & Memes – The Participatory Self↳Adam Harper: Joy 2016↳Acting under Capital↳The Sound of Protest / The Sound of a better World↳Adam Harper: Music Today, Tomorrow’s Joys and Horrors↳Claire Tolan: SHUSH-to-come: SHUSH choir↳TCF & Dambi Kim: Tea Ceremony↳Speculative Futurism↳Kara-Lis Coverdale: PICL↳AQNB: Staying Present↳Doron Sadja: Shut Your Mouth and Turn Me Inside Out↳Ruth Angel Edwards: Performance↳Heal the World: A Better Now↳Rianna Jade Parker: Hey Big Girl, Won’t You Back It Up?↳WangNewOne & Snackuo: 英雄无色 A BETTER NOW
3hd 2015: The Labor of Sound in a World of Debt 2015 ↳Jared Davis: Zero Interference↳A Very Special Interview with Aurora Sander & 333 Boyz↳3hd @transmediale↳HAPPY HYPER HARDCORE↳Juiceboxxx: On Making An Energy Drink↳Visual Pleasure, the Impact of Image Making↳Global and local Music Scenes↳Branding-Hype-Trends↳Multimedia Dualism, Spiritual Madness↳Online Identities, Romantic Adventures↳The Media, Fan & Celebrity Culture↳What is the Musical Object in the 21st Century?↳Steph Kretowicz: Artist Incorporated↳Es geht immer um Transformation↳Emilie Gervais: Brandon aka Kamisha↳Adam Harper: The Labor of Sound in a World of Debt↳Opening: Sonic Toys, Hype↳Easter: True Cup