Neoliberal digital society is permeated by power and violence. These structures and dynamics required to survive in capital-oriented societies can be counter-read in abstract form with sadomasochistic practices. Now in it’s seventh edition, Creamcake’s 3hd Festival approaches the transgressive phenomenon of contemporary BDSM, kink and its varieties of exercises in force and control through art, music, performance and film. This year’s “Power Play”—running from October 2 to 10, and happening at various venues across Berlin and on the internet—considers the perception of a sexuality that defines itself as ‘play’. That is specifically in relation to notions of dominance and submission as socially-negotiable within sadomasochistic cultural techniques.
In search of these positions on queering in BDSM worlds, the six-day festival week, and nearly month-long extended program, running to October 31, becomes a field of negotiation of power, consent and gender relations. Together “Power Play” will explore different artistic perspectives from a broad spectrum of creative practices dealing with intimacy, lust, passion, desire, devotion, exhaustion and intoxication. It will bring together an emerging generation of queer-feminist artists, musicians, performers, S&M artists, and dominas, with a series of performances, concerts, a workshop, and discursive events.
“Power Play” explores a fascination with authority, and the desire for transgression and contradiction. BDSM itself does not directly reflect existing orders or systems, but is undoubtedly integrated into the experiential potentials of collective realities.