3hd 2022: Life, the Universe, and Everything 2022 ↳The Day of the Answer!↳33: The Ultimate Question↳Omsk Social Club & Joey Holder: The Waxing↳Didn’t anyone consider the alternatives?↳Monica Mirabile: All things under dog, where two things are always true↳Deep Thought↳Kianí del Valle: VACÍO SUSPENDIDO↳Don’t Panic
3hd 2021: Power Play 2021 ↳Keioui Keijaun Thomas: “My Last American Dollar”↳Harnessing Control↳Trauma Bondage↳A History of Desire↳Switching Sides↳Kinkcore↳Psychodrama↳Garden of Eden↳Consent of the Governed: Gender, Constitution & Kink↳In Excess↳Opening: In Excess
3hd 2020: UNHUMANITY 2020 ↳Symbiotic Agencies↳ℌ𝔘𝕹𝐓ℜ𝖊zZ: An Inorganic Nature↳Montez Press Radio↳Requiem for Lost Plants Artist Walkthrough↳Crisis Management↳Vessels↳Rory Pilgrim: The Undercurrent film screening↳Ruben Spini: Some are Born to Endless Night↳Natália Trejbalová: About mirages and stolen stones↳Steph Kretowicz & Ben Babbitt: BSAD (buy shit and die)↳Alice Yuan Zhang & Alexander Kaye: Requiem for Lost Plants↳Rory Pilgrim: The Laboratory of The Undercurrent↳Echo Chamber↳Dune↳Waterworld↳Ewa Awe: Hyperobjectivity↳DJ Paypal: [SOI] Re-Animation ↳ECO-centers↳Isabel Lewis: An occasion to consider celebration futures↳LUGLIO