
The European Dream vs. European Reality

Panel with AGF, Sungeun Grace Kim, Riccardo Benassi
Music by Melissa Lacoste (live), Bill Kouligas, Linda Lee, Larry

In the panel “European Dream vs. European Reality” artists, musicians, and activists respond to the complex challenges we are currently facing: Nationalism, no common migration policy, a politics of fear, and the economy. Meanwhile, digital technologies and communication platforms continue to change the ways that we interact with each other, urging us to discover new ideas, tools, and work modes across many countries and cultures. What was the European dream and how has it become reality? Can we even still talk about it on these terms? How can we play a role in reshaping the future as artists, musicians, activists and cultural producers in particular Europe?

AGF and Riccardo Benassi use art and music to empower an emerging generation of digitally-connected Europeans to explore new ideas, involvements, and activity in art and music communities. Both artists have collaborated with many different people inside and outside of Europe. The panel will be moderated by Sungeun Grace Kim.

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Sommerbad Humboldthain
Wiesenstraße 1
13357 Gesundbrunnen

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